The history


Built in 1300, this building was owned by the Church of Santa Maria in Fontibus. It was sold by the ecclesiastical authority in the late 1800s and since then has been privately owned.

Aside from being the ancient seat of the Shoemakers Guild and Tanners Guild, at one stage this building also contained a kiln, which was used for producing bread. In the recent past this building housed an evangelical church, and later, an islamic cultural centre.
Located in the Piazza San Francesco, the outside wall of this building is adorned with a fresco depicting Christian martyrs (during the time of Emperor Maximilian, about 287 AD) "San Crispino and San Crispiniano". They are depicted venerating the Virgin Mary and Child. These two saints are considered the protectors of shoemakers and tanners, both very important trades in the city of Albenga.
Designed and painted in the early 1500s, the fresco was produced by local painters; over the years it became damaged and has recently undergone extensive repairs.

St. Crispin's Day, the 25th of October, is mentioned by Shakespeare in Henry V, when the king makes a rousing speech to his troops before the battle of Angincourt.


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